Wavelab Laboratory

The purpose of the Wavelab laboratory is to implement simulation, realization, measurement and experimental activities in the microwave field (antennas and passive / active devices) for the design of next-generation wireless networks and computing systems up to the THz band.

The joint lab of Politecnico di Milano and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) participates to national and international projects aimed to research, innovation and applications, and provides top-level possibilities to educate and train new professionals.

In particular, the Wavelab activity focuses on several key topics:

Devices and systems:

  • design, production and measurement / testing of “standard” passive devices for bands from GHz to THz (antennas, filters, etc.)
  • realization and measurement / testing of passive metamaterial devices for bands from GHz to THz
  • analysis and testing of radio frequency devices based on SDR (Software Defined Radio) techniques.

Signal processing and learning systems:

  • propagation channel modeling (indoor, indoor / outdoor) for “beyond 5G” radio systems (mmWave and THz,> 90GHz band)
  • modelling, simulation and assessment of algorithms for vehicular communication systems (including vehicle localization and mm-wave V2X communications)
  • development, validation and testing of deep learning algorithms for processing radio signals for environmental recognition, localization and radio vision systems
  • development and testing in a controlled environment of THz imaging algorithms (which complement or replace infrared and X-ray imaging)
  • experimental testing and evaluation of embedded systems for mobile devices, IoT, WLAN and sensor networks.